13 Apr

Filigree engagement rings are works of art: elaborately decorated and intricately delicate. But what exactly is filigree?

Filigree is a type of fine metalwork that has been around for centuries, used to create delicate scrolling, looping, and geometrical designs that look similar to lace. To create a filigree design, thin threads of metal are soldered onto a piece of jewelry of the same metal.

These threads can be soldered together to create a freestanding design within a piece of jewelry, such as the floral filigree pictured in this vintage-inspired rose gold engagement ring:

Filigree can also be applied directly to the surface, which makes it look as if it has been engraved or sculpted on the band (such as with the rose gold filigree on the engagement ring pictured below). The fact that the threads are a separate element is the reason that filigree looks so dainty and delicate.

Filigree is most often found in vintage-inspired engagement rings from the turn-of-the-century. There’s a wide variety of filigree designs, and each era had its own popular patterns. For example, flowering filigree petals capture the romance of the Victorian Period, while extravagant scrollwork reflects the elegant Edwardian Period. Filigree details were also quite popular during the Art Deco period—think of the sleek, architectural style of Great Gatsby!

To that end, if you’re looking for a filigree design for your Filigree engagement rings , consider the time period you wish for your ring to emulate:

While different designs of filigree may be associated with particular time periods, filigree is an incredibly versatile type of metalwork. The delicate details can add a vintage touch to your dream ring, but filigree can be used alongside contemporary design elements to create modern Filigree engagement rings , too.

No matter how you incorporate filigree, you can find Filigree engagement rings that reflects your taste and personality.

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