09 Sep

We know the status and legend of sapphire, knowing that sapphire is scarce and precious. So, what issues do we need to pay attention to when choosing a sapphire wedding ring?

We know that judging the quality of sapphire should be considered in terms of color, weight, cut, clarity, and origin. When it is embedded in the ring, these factors should also be considered. Here are five details to be aware of when choosing a sapphire wedding ring.

1, color

When you get a sapphire ring, you must first observe whether his color is pure. Watch it on a white background or in an environment with no other disturbing colors. Look at the sapphire tones without a slight green or purple hue. Then the main stone color of this sapphire ring can pass.

2, clarity

Generally, there is no obvious impurity when viewing with the naked eye. At the same time, pay attention to the presence of bumps or obvious cracks on the outside of the gemstone.

3, weight

When choosing a sapphire wedding ring, the weight of the main stone is also a factor to consider. A 1 carat sapphire wedding ring and a 2 carat ring are not twice the price difference, and often the big carat ring sapphire ring is several times higher.

In general, the price of a sapphire ring will increase with the weight of the main stone and show a geometric progression, but if the budget is sufficient, it is also necessary to pay attention to the added value of sapphire.

4, cutting

Sapphire is a high-grade jewel. When used as a setting material for a engagement ring, the cutter usually cuts it into a facet to highlight its clarity and flicker. Observing the quality of the sapphire cut, we usually observe the ratio of the cut and the symmetry.

5, style

When choosing a sapphire wedding ring, in addition to considering the quality of the sapphire main stone, the design of the style is not negligible, and a good design can better show your temperament.

In the purchase of sapphire wedding rings, these five tips, you can buy a ring that you really like.

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