19 Sep

Both Engagements and weddings are important life milestones steeped in tradition and etiquette. While there are some confusions on how should brides wear their wedding rings. For instance, should you wear them both on the ring finger on left hand? Or should you wear the engagement ring on top or on bottom?  Or maybe you should wear them on two different fingers altogether? Here is an overview of how to wear wedding rings. There are some different situations that you need to consider.

On your wedding day: You should switch your engagement ring to the third finger on your right hand on this big day. The reason for doing this is your future spouse will places the wedding ring on your ring finger during the ceremony. The ring finger has hold the faith of romantic, as the vein in that finger led directly to your heart.

Engagement Ring Etiquette: Tradition dictates that your engagement band be moved back to the third finger on your left hand after you married. Bear in mind that your wedding ring should remain closest to your heart and your engagement ring is placed next to the wedding ring.

Alternate Between Rings: This is another option that many people are choosen. One reason for doing this is two rings are too much for some women and wearing one at a time is simpler.

Wear Engagement Ring On One Ring Finger and Wedding Band On The Other:  This way is good for those with short fingers, who don’t like having so many rings on one finger.

This is the 21st Century and there should be no “right” way for ring wearing, in despite there may be an “official” way of wearing your rings. So feel free to wear you ring any way, after all the wedding rings and wedding bands in Italo are beautiful.

8 years of experience in jewelry design, specializing in the design of a variety of wedding rings for men and women. For more information please contact: carry2019.xian@gmail.com

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